Winter wheat is an amazing plant. Its ability to recover from injury and utilize all available moisture quickly continues to amaze me. A week after the blizzard that dropped about a foot of snow on the fields, the wheat has bounced back much better than we could have imagined. It is hard to describe what we found yesterday as we scouted all our fields, but hopefully the attached pictures will help.
Originally we thought we were looking at 80-95% losses, but yesterday we discovered that almost all of the wheat is recovering and current losses are estimated to be less than 15%. As you can imagine, the snow pelted the wheat flat on the ground and kinked the stems. What we are now finding is that the wheat is adapting by now growing parallel to the ground until the first join, then it has rotated and is growing vertical. In many cases, the change in direction of the stem is almost 90 degrees!!
So it looks like there WILL be a wheat harvest. For now. But please realize that the plants are weekend and are using a lot of energy to recover. So, if we get a severe wind or rain event or possibly some hail, the wheat might go back down fairly easily. It is currently heading out so harvest is projected to start around June 20 which is about our average.